Monday, April 29, 2013

Message To My Son

Jesus is the one teacher who tells us very little about what to do to achieve the kingdom. He abolished rules and didn’t leave behind a step by step road to enlightenment, but he said one thing that can bring us all the way to God: Believe in me. The difference between eastern religions and Christianity was evident to C.S. Lewis:
“We have not got to try to climb into spiritual life by our own efforts…If we only lay ourselves open to the one Man in whom it was fully present…He will do it for us".                                                                                                    

From the moment I met Jesus, all I had to do was “ride the wave”. But waves lift you up and then let you down. It’s not so easy to ride them, especially when there is no coast in sight. The religious sense must be nourished, keeping in mind that we are not feeding an illusion but something that was given to us by grace. I must look after my faith like I looked after my son when he was a child. I wanted to relate to him, so I also become like a child and we had a wonderful time together.

When you were a child, you used to get mad at me if I assumed that you couldn’t understand certain things because you were too young. You thought that children were smart, sometimes smarter than the adults, but now you have changed your mind.
“Jesus said that only those who are like children will enter the kingdom of heaven,” you said. “In fact, in order to believe one has to shut down his logical thought. Actually, one has to stop thinking!”
Maybe, if you try, you’ll be able to recall the way you were just a few years ago and realize that there is no reason to despise that little boy. In his naivete, he was aware of the deepest aspects of reality.
I’m looking at you picture. You were eleven years old, learning your first English words. Look at those eyes! Your gaze was as sharp as a razor. It’s not like that anymore; you are a grown up now. Maybe you have lost something in the process. Try to remember, try really hard.    

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